Iris Hajbi, mother of Ziv who was murdered in the Barkan factory terror attack together with Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel, has called on Israeli security forces to destroy the home of the terrorist responsible for her son's death in its entirety. "We have very serious complaints," the mother said in an interview with Arutz Sheva , calling to demolish the house of the terrorist, not only the room he lived in. "He destroyed three families, Kim's family, our family, and Ziv's own family. Walls? For us they destroyed families, not walls. "They have to demolish the house and throw them out of here; take the family that raised these children who hate and kill and move them over the fence. They don't belong here and their house should be demolished," she said. In the course of the interview, Hajbi criticized the procedure where the terrorist's family is informed in advance of the intention to demolish his home: "They didn't come to me and tell me that they might kill my son, they didn't give us any announcement. So why do they have to get messages that they're going to destroy the house so they can take out their furniture and move to another house? I also hear now that the brother was involved in all this, that he took down the cameras at home. They have to be removed from here and this brother has to be put in jail." Hajbi continues to attack the IDF's intention to demolish only the part of the house where the terrorist lived. "As far as I'm concerned, the minimum is that they demolish and send them away, not as I hear they'll only demolish the room where he stayed. I want to hear that this house was destroyed and that the brother of his who was a collaborator is in prison, and I am sure his parents also cooperated - because he came from there." The murderer has not yet been apprehended and the hunt for him continues at this time. "I asked everyone I could not to bring him back alive - only death for the terrorist. I don't want to face him in court, I don't want him to receive money and sit and study and get a master's degree in prison," she said. "He shouldn't live; every murderer has to die. ' One who comes to kill you, get up early and kill him first .'" B'Tzalmo movement legal advisor Attorney Michael Litvak, who is accompanying the family, said: "Destroying the terrorist's house in full will cause the next terrorist to think seven times before. We demand the security establishment insist on destroying the terrorist's entire house and destroy the homes of the collaborators who helped the terrorist escape."