KOAA News5 in Colorado reports Dragon Arms gun shop just outside of Colorado Springs' owner Mel Bernstein is offering rabbis a free AR-15 or handgun, and will include training and ammunition. Speaking to News5 , Bernstein made a comparison of an active shooting incident to a fire. He said just as if a fire broke out, one would reach for a fire extinguisher to keep people safe, so should one be able to reach for a weapon during a shooting incident. The KOAA interview with Temple Beit Torah board President Jeff Ader reveals the level of ignorance prevalent among some 2nd Amendment opponents regarding firearms, as Ader explains his rejection of Bernstein's offer by speaking at length of the AR-15 as a "weapon of mass destruction in a sense. If it can fire multiple rounds per second, anything can happen," apparently unaware that the AR-15 is the semi-automatic version of the M-16 and is incapable of automatic fire. Ader's assertions went unchallenged by interviewer Jessica Barreto. Apparently unaware that a handgun has the exact same rate of fire as an AR-15 - that is, as fast as the trigger finger can shoot - Ader can be "in talks with Bernstein" to accept a free handgun from him with a clear conscience. Colorado, USA iStock All of the nine major tyrannical regimes of the twentieth century confiscated the weapons of the populations they planned to murder or terrorize en masse. The nine regimes are listed below: • Ottoman Turkey; • USSR; • Nazi Germany; • China; • Guatemala; • Uganda; • Cambodia; • Rwanda; • Yugoslavia (the former). Gun store iStock