The military court on Sunday rejected the request of the mother of the terrorist who murdered two in a shooting at the Barkan Industrial Zone in October, to release her and the terrorist's brother to house arrest. In his decision, the military judge wrote: "I believe that the fear of escape from the law in the matter of the appellants is significant, and the defense did not satisfy me that this fear can be eliminated. This is sufficient to reject the request." "We have ruled in the past that in such a case there is a fear of escape from the law, since when the enforcement capacity is not high, a defendant may prefer to abandon his money in order to escape from being behind bars. This is especially true of the appellant, who has already proved his ability and intent to disrupt proceedings actively, in a way that intensifies my fear of escape from the law. Last Thursday, a hearing was held on the appeal filed by the terrorist's mother and brother, asking to be released to house arrest. During the hearing, the military prosecutor claimed that the appellants were expected to escape, and mentioned the pursuit of the terrorist. "In light of these circumstances, we think that the appellants are liable to severe punishment. They have no reason not to return to court. They live in Area A and there is no need to mention how long it took to stop the terrorist himself and how long the security forces chased him." The prosecutor also added that the terrorist's brother tried to cover up evidence and hide videos he had in his possession, showing that he knew about his brother's intentions. The prosecutor concluded, "Is the punishment here not expected to be significant, that there is a reasonable possibility that the two appellants will escape and then try to disrupt the trial?" "We welcome the court's decision to leave the terrorist's mother and brother in detention," said attorney Haim Bleicher of the Honenu organization, which represents the families of those murdered. "We will continue to accompany and join together with the families of those murdered in the supporting trials of the cursed terrorist." "Our unequivocal goal is an uncompromising war on terror against all its places, which should also be expressed in a high and powerful punishment against the terrorists - a punishment that will constitute a deterrent against anyone who raises his mind to participate in terrorist acts against Israel, thereby saving the lives of Israeli citizens. Bleicher concluded, "We expect that the terrorist's father, mother and brothers, as well as the other dozens of the terrorists' accomplices, will be punished by imprisonment for many years."