In what’s being called a victory for human rights, two Israeli activists today spoke before the United Nations Committee for Economic and Social Cultural Rights in Geneva.
They exposed institutionalized human rights violations inflicted upon divorced Israeli fathers. These cases often never conclude, but remain for years in a parental alienation limbo.
Coalition of Children and Families (CCF) acting head Marianne Azizi and Attorney Mickey Givati told the shocked committee about the suffering of children taken illegally from homes. They were allowed a full forty minutes to describe how whistleblowers face the worst consequences for criticizing public officials.
Azizi began by explaining to the committee that her tenure as CCF acting head began two years ago, when the organization's head, a human rights lawyer, was arrested. "Why is it that Israelis don't speak out against human rights violations?" Azizi addressed the committee. "It is because of the consequences:
"Last week, journalist Gil Ronen, a long-term campaigner for equal rights in divorce and fighting parental alienation, was found dead at home by his son, having committed suicide.
"Last year, two more human rights lawyers committed suicide."
Azizi said her group has been vindicated in all their exposure over the past eight years of activity "but the lives of over 2,000 fathers in suicide is a high price."
"Israel's basic Law of liberty, dignity, and freedom is supposedly to protect its citizens, not its public officials, in keeping with UN articles 8 and 19. Yet it is violated, with nearly 1 million people held against their will with no-exit-orders, children in kid jails, and fathers dying nearly every other day.
"The recommendations you made in 2012 have been blatantly ignored. The citizens are turning to you," Azizi concluded.
Attorney Mickey Givati told the committee: "I'm an attorney, for a decade rescuing children snatched by welfare. I'm also soon to be named in the British Embassy to help foreign nationals illegally trapped in Israel. Due to my work that involves defending human rights defenders, I've become a target myself.
"In less than a year my life has been decimated; 20 tracking devices in my office, car, and phone, and my own children were put illegally in a shelter which took me 44 days to rescue them, locked up and starving. I forced the courts to hear the children under UNCRC rules - something rarely used - and I was warned several months before to 'watch my children' after exposing a video of a young American girl on the run from private institutions, in an attempt to save her life.
"The report sent here is true, and data gathered has come from the ground, not government whitewashed statistics. Men such as Roni Cashi, who exposed a recording of a judge admitting the system was stacked against fathers in particular, has been hounded and persecuted, unable to see his own child in normal circumstances due to his honesty.
"I'm here against all odds, as the State profiles human rights defenders and infiltrates into their lives, until many people give in and take their lives, including children as young as 9 years old. I also know that my presence here to expose the truth is probably a risk of revenge being taken on myself and my children by the system, even more than we have already endured.
"As a juvenile and family lawyer, I have experience of how family breakdown is abused in the courts. Most cases begin with false claims against men (nearly 20,000) a year, with impunity for women. Although the law has allegedly changed, not one woman has been indicted for lying.
"I speak also from personal experience, when I faced 15 false claims in one interrogation, all cleared with No Guilt.
"Men are criminalized, thrown from their homes, and face a life of parental alienation. Over 88% of claims are false, with children made to see their father in abnormal circumstances in a prison-like contact center for an hour a week.
"While appreciating the trauma of clients, I was put through the same process. Despite no evidence, social workers write lies in reports. I was framed in false kidnapping of my children, and various other violations against me. My clients' lives became mirrored in the State's attempt to stop me helping them. I've faced, and still do, a complete obliteration of my career, and I fear for the children I won't be able to rescue if this persecution continues.
"The billion-dollar industry of psychiatrists, medication, fake institutions, research into money laundering, and child trafficking has left me as the final whistle blower still free, but for how much longer I do not know," Givati concluded his testimony before the United Nations Committee for Economic and Social Cultural Rights.
Some committee members were in tears after hearing the testimony, and promised to “turn every stone” to investigate and halt the corruption.