The military court in Samaria will publish on Thursday the verdict in the trial of the mother of the terrorist who murdered Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel and Ziv Hajbi in the Barkan industrial zone attack last October. The terrorist’s mother is accused of having known about her son's intentions to carry out an attack but not stopping him. Attorney Haim Bleicher of the Honenu legal aid organization, which represents the families of those murdered, as well as Kim’s father, Rafi Levengrond, will attend Thursday’s hearing. "Based on the evidence and the investigations we were exposed to during the hearings, the terrorist’s mother was well aware of her son's terrorist intentions," Bleicher said on Wednesday. "We will continue to accompany the case, we will demand a tough punishment, and we will also be submit an application for collection of damages, demanding that the terrorist's mother be required to pay compensation for her actions," he added.