Diaspora Minister Omer Yankelevich (Blue and White) opened the third day of the Makor Rishon conference Tuesday, with a speech laying out the challenges facing Israel’s efforts to maintain its connections with Jewish communities around the world.
“We are undergoing a test of commitment between the State of Israel and Jews overseas,” Yankelevich said.
"We stand here before a historical moment, where the Jewish value of mutual responsibility and our commitment as brothers are put to the test. This is not some specific issue, but rather a historical test to dramatic foundational questions.”
“What is our relationship to the Jews in the diaspora as our brothers? Are they an integral part of us? Is Israel the center of the Jewish people? We must strengthen the bond between Israel and the diaspora, and show the mutual commitment between the state and its people who reside outside its borders.”
“Beyond the assistance that must be offered in different fields, the fundamental message that we must voice is one of worldwide Jewish solidarity. The seven million people who reside here are one people with the eight million who live in the diaspora. We are all part of one unified people.”