Defense Minister Benny Gantz instructed to replace the fields 'father' and 'mother' in all forms used by the Defense Ministry to 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2'. According to a Galei Tzahal report this morning, hundreds of forms in all branches of the Ministry will soon be changed in accordance with the Minister's decree. A similar directive was recently issued by Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn from Gantz's party, after the bill that sought to oblige all government ministries to make the change was disapproved by the Knesset. Last week, B'Tzalmo Director Shai Glick asked Deputy Attorney General Dina Zilber to instruct Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn not to change the wording of his office-related forms from the definitions "Father and Mother" to "Parent 1 and Parent 2". In his letter, Glick noted a number of cases in which Zilber interfered with activities of ministers that she claimed were not in accordance with the law. "I will mention, for example, when the Culture Minister acted in violation of the law and ordered action to cut cultural budgets in institutions that supported the Nakba and terror, you instructed her that it was forbidden. You also acted against Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel, who repealed national service standards for B'Tselem and Amnesty International." Glick also mentioned Zilber's action against Jerusalem and Heritage Minister Zeev Elkin, who canceled tours by the Leftist Emek Shaveh organization in the "Homes from Within" project. "You intervened in the matter on the same day. I am confident that here, too, you will intervene in the matter and instruct the Minister to uphold the law. "Of course if the law passes, the situation will be different. But there is no doubt that if the law does pass and the Mayor would state that he'll flout it and write in the forms 'father' and 'mother' in violation of the previous law, and you'd reprimand him. There is no doubt that in this case, too, you will instruct the rebellious minister to keep the law," he added. However, Zilber rejected Glick's petition and wrote, "The issue you are dealing with is the responsibility of the Acting Justice Ministry Director, Ms. Sigal Yaakobi, and your petition will be forwarded to her office for further treatment. "In doing so, I note that the expected change in forms heralds a positive trend of inclusion and accessibility in public services to all groups and sectors in the population, with respectful and worthy treatment of parents and families as they are. In my opinion, this change is in line with the basic principles of our legal system when it comes to preserving human dignity and ensuring equality for all citizens."