At the end of a long day of deliberations in which the Constitution Committee attempted to reach agreements on the law on controversial issues of notice before an administrative closure order is issued for educational institutions, the meeting ended without consents. Enforcement of the lockdown restrictions in these matters will continue as before, meaning that fines of up to NIS 5,000 can be imposed but it will not be possible to impose administrative closure orders on educational institutions. Chairman MK Yaakov Asher said that “there are requests for a new section by MK Alex Kushnir on the notice of a closure order and one from Blue and White - on all amendments to the law. In light of the urgency of the issue we have tried to reach an understanding on sections that are not even the core of the law. I understand that after the consultations the compromise is not acceptable, but the question is whether you give up claiming a new session and go to the polls." MK Eitan Ginzburg of Blue and White replied, "We believe the law should be passed as submitted by the government. The wording of the law is not acceptable to the members of the committee of Blue and White, the Likud and Yesh Atid. We see it as a new issue because it is contrary to the government's wording and it contains things that we oppose in principle. " Coalition chairman MK Miki Zohar said, "Joining Ginzburg's statement that the original law should be followed. However, I am in favor of a compromise so that we can settle the matter and that we can start enforcement tomorrow morning. Your proposal as presented at the beginning and the steps you took towards it are significant. You dropped 90% of it. The insistence that they give notice is not draconian, but from my experience in the Knesset, the exact wording is not sacrosanct, but instead you reach compromises, so I call on you and Blue and White to reach a compromise." Committee Chairman Asher replied: "When have you ever pass an original bill? You will not demand from me things that you do not do." He then closed the meeting. "Since we have received an answer and I cannot attend the vote, I will close the meeting."