The military prosecution in Judea and Samaria has filed an indictment in the Salem military court against Muhammad Maruh Kabha from the village of Tura al-Garbiyya in the Jenin area, the terrorist who is accused of murdering Esther Horgan. Esther Horgan, 52, was murdered while jogging near her home in Tal Menashe. She is survived by her husband and six children - two daughters and four sons. The youngest of them, 13 years old, celebrated a bar mitzvah a few months ago. The indictment describes the last moments of Horgan's life, just before Kabha committed the murder. According to the indictment, Kabha was in the forest to collect mushrooms and then encountered Horgan. She was startled by him and began to run away. After about 15 meters he reached her, grabbed her hands while she shouted, he threw her at a pile of rocks, picked up a rock and hit her on the head until her body stopped moving and her voice fell silent. Kabha then returned to his home, showered, changed his clothes, and fled to the mountains until he was captured by security forces. The indictment, which includes six sections, also details the motive for the murder, to avenge the death of Kabha's friend in an Israeli prison. "As a result, he decided to carry out an attack. To that end, he examined a number of possible routes for carrying out the attack. At first, he considered a shooting attack on the security forces." But while this plan was shelved, the idea remained ingrained in Kabha's mind and was executed about a month later when he decided in the Reihan forest he would be able to find Jews and harm them, and then he encountered Esther Horgan. "From the deceased's external appearance, the defendant realized that she was Jewish. The deceased noticed him, the two's eyes met, and she began to run in panic towards the settlement. The decision formed in the heart of the defendant to cause the death of the deceased with the intention being of nationalist motive and to carry out the attack which he had planned to carry out for some time," the indictment reads. The description of the following moments is particularly difficult. "The defendant ran after the deceased for about 15 meters until he reached her, grabbed her with both hands behind her back, pulled her with her elbows while she was screaming and threw her at rocks he noticed on the side of the path. The deceased continued to scream as she resisted using her hands and feet and tried to get up. In response, the defendant sat over the deceased's body, pressing her hands to the sides of her body and placing his knees on her to prevent her from resisting or fleeing. Then, the defendant took a large rock in his hand, raised it with both hands over his head and struck with it twice on the right side of the head of the deceased. The deceased intensified her cries as the bleeding from her head increased. "The defendant then stood behind the deceased's head, grabbed her by the clothes and dragged her on her back for about three meters into bushes away from the path to hide his actions and allow himself time to escape before his deeds were noticed. The deceased continued to scream and try to defend herself with her hands. He threw her to the earth with her face towards the ground. At this point he took another rock larger than the previous one with his two hands and hit with it the back of her head," the indictment describes Esther's last moments.