Israel’s Southern District is the largest district in the country and, as part of a strategic plan formulated by the Israeli government, many resources have been invested in its development in recent decades. A new Taub Center study conducted by Prof. Alex Weinreb maps out residents of the Negev by population group, type of settlement, household structure, and more. The study finds that the population of the south, particularly the Arab population, has been growing at a faster rate than the rest of the country, and that positive migration to the south now largely offsets negative migration from the region. In addition, the share of those with an academic degree in the south is rising and educational inequality between Jews and Arabs is rapidly declining. The study also finds that, in general, residents of the south express higher economic satisfaction than residents in other regions of the country and are less likely to leave the region. However, the residents also indicate a lack of satisfaction with the state of local infrastructure, and gaps in education and employment remain between the Southern District and other parts of the country. Only some of the government decisions concerning investment and development in the Southern District have been implemented The Southern District is the largest district in Israel and includes over half of the land in the country. The population of the south consists of various groups, including Jews, Muslims, and “others” (immigrants not classified as Jews). In recent decades, the Israeli government has invested considerable resources in the South, relocating military bases and improving transportation and higher education infrastructure. In 2005, the national strategic plan for the development of the Negev established a number of goals to be implemented by 2015, including increasing the population of the south, increasing the number of employed persons, reducing the gap in average per capita income relative to other parts of the country, and increasing the share of students in higher education. Most of these larger goals were achieved. Relocating military bases to the Southern District has been a key instrument for developing the region, as it has both encouraged the migration of workers and families with high social capital to the south and necessitated developing and upgrading infrastructure. Transportation infrastructure has also developed substantially, improving mobility between southern localities and the rest of the country, and an international airport has even been opened in the district. Investment in higher education in the south has yielded a particularly high return, resulting in the opening of additional institutions and study tracks, and has led to an increase of about 58% in the number of undergraduate students in the area– an increase about 7% greater than the national average. The budget allocated for this purpose has also increased and in 2019-2020 the Committee for Planning and Budgeting ( VaTaT ) increased the budget for higher education institutions in the south by 75%. The population of the south has grown at a faster rate than the national average, particularly the Arab population. The population of the south grew from 890,000 people in 2000 to more than 1.3 million in 2019, at a rate of almost 2% per year and similar to the national average until 2015, after which the annual growth rate in the south was even higher than the national average. The population increase was disproportionately in the Arab sector, which grew at a particularly high rate of almost 6% per year between 2005 and 2010, and by close to 4% per year after 2010, while the Jewish population grew by less than 2% per year. The population group defined as “other” (with no religious classification) accounts for about 6.5% of the total population in southern Israel, and its growth rate is higher than in any other district in the country. The haredi population constitutes about 10% of the total population in the region, close to the national average, and in certain places this population is growing at a faster rate than others. The Taub Center’s Prof. Weinreb found that the age structure of the Jewish population in the south is similar to that of the general population at most ages, yet the number of southern residents ages 55 and over is disproportionately high. The Arab population, on the other hand, is very young – 44% are under the age of 25, compared to 27% of Jews in the south and 28% in the national population. In recent years, the growth rate of the Arab population in the south ages 20-29 has been about 6%, compared with about 1% among Jews. This has great significance for the region, as this growing group of young Arabs integrates into the higher education system and the labor market. The growth rate of those ages 45-64 is also considerably higher among Arabs – over 7%, compared to about 1% among Jews and others. Another matter of great significance in the region is migration: the Southern District stands out in its patterns of internal migration in Israel. Between 2000 and 2019 an average of 30,000 Israelis moved to the south each year – a higher number than in any other district except Tel Aviv/Center. At the same time, an average of over 32,000 people a year left southern Israel, such that the net migration from the south was negative. Over the years there has been a notable decline in the number of people leaving the south, alongside a significant increase in those migrating south, and the ratio of incoming and outgoing migration today is approaching 1. Most of this change can be traced to the Jewish population. International immigration has also had an effect and, in 2019, immigrants arriving in the 2005-2019 period accounted for about 5% of the total Southern District population. Most of these recent immigrants (82%) are from the former Soviet Union, almost 6% are from France, and close to 12% are from Ethiopia. The Southern District in Israel is also unique in terms of fertility rates – this is the only district in which fertility rates among Arabs exceed the rates among Jews: more than 5 children per woman compared to about 3, respectively. However, Arab fertility levels in southern Israel are lower than they were in the past: in 2000, the fertility rate among Arabs in the area was over 9 children per woman, compared to about 4 in the rest of the Arab population in the country and less than 3 among Jews. If recent trends continue, the fertility rate of Arab women in the south is expected to drop to under 3 children per woman within a decade. That said, high fertility levels in the past will continue to have an impact over the next two decades, sharply increasing the number of people entering the labor and housing markets in the region. An analysis of housing patterns in the south shows that about 84% of the district’s residents live in urban settings (the national average is 92%), and there is a notable trend of migration to rural settlements. Therefore, the population growth rates in rural settlements—those with less than 2,000 residents—are higher than in urban areas. In addition, the share of rural residents living outside of recognized municipal boundaries in the south (31%) is higher than the national average (9%). The share of the rural population living in “community settlements” (y ishuv kehilati ) in the south is low (about 4.5%, compared to 13% in the rest of the country), but is on the rise. Residents of the south are more satisfied, and less likely to leave the district It is not only that net levels of incoming and outgoing migration in the south are lower than in the rest of the country; the educational profile of those who migrate to and from the south is also different. The probability of a 20-39-year-old man whose two parents are academically educated moving to and from the south is low compared to other regions in the country: only a 10% likelihood of moving to the south and a 13% likelihood of leaving the south for another district, compared to a 25% probability of migrating between other districts. In contrast, the probability of migrating to the south is higher among those whose parents are less educated, which points to southern Israel as a destination for 1st generation university-educated migrants. The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Social Survey of 2018 shows that the respondents who indicate that they do not intend to move in the coming years are mainly those ages 35 and over, married people, parents, and those with lower education levels. In an analysis of satisfaction with life, residents of the area report higher economic satisfaction compared to other districts (except the Judea/Samaria district). The only category in which residents of the southern region had lower satisfaction than average was in that of local infrastructure – local roads, public transportation, the cleanliness and availability of parks, and the quality of housing. In terms of the housing market, the south has witnessed trends similar to those experienced nationwide of rising real estate prices and an increase in apartment sizes. The relative proximity of residential-concentrated areas in the south to the center of the country, improvements in transportation, and an increase in the prevalence of remote work have expanded the residential radius within which commuting is feasible. The real estate market has remained more stable in the south than in other districts throughout the coronavirus crisis and, in 2020, real estate transactions declined in all districts except the Southern District. Increases in apartment ownership were mainly observed for family apartments (3.5-6 rooms), which have risen by about 50% since the end of 2017. Apartment prices in the south are lower than the national average (about 55% of apartment prices in the Center, for example), but similar to prices in northern Israel. “The findings indicate a notable increase in the quality of life in the Southern District,” said researcher Prof. Alex Weinreb. “We are seeing above-average general and economic satisfaction, a willingness among potential buyers to purchase apartments even during the coronavirus crisis which affected the whole country, and despite the perception of relatively high crime levels in the Southern District.” Education and employment in the south: more working hours, and a reduction in educational inequality between Jews and Arabs The Southern District has long been characterized as having a relatively low supply of high-skilled workers, which may have weakened the incentive for employers in prestigious industries to invest in quality jobs. Additionally, the relative lack of these types of employment prospects may also have reduced incentives for residents of the region to acquire high-level skills and stay put (directly, or by reducing the presence of role models). In this regard, the data are encouraging and indicate an increase in education and skills: about 40% of Jewish residents of the south ages 30-44, at the peak of working age, had an academic degree in 2017 (compared to 23% in 2000), similar to the rate among “others.” Among Muslims of the same age group, the share of academic degree holders was very low (5%) until 2011, but between then and 2017 has risen sharply to 20%. From these data it can be concluded that there has been an increase in the level of human capital in the south and a decrease in educational inequality between Jews and Arabs. The rate at which inequality is declining is faster in the south than in other districts in the country. Prof. Weinreb also examined the characteristics of employment in the south and found gaps in the number of working hours. With regard to paid work, both men and women in the south work fewer hours per week, on average, than their counterparts in the Haifa, Northern, Tel-Aviv, and Central Districts, though differences have shrunk over the last decade. An examination by sector shows that those who are classified as “others” work more hours a week than both Jews and Muslims. About 16.5% of those employed in southern Israel work in high-paying occupations – a higher percentage than the national average, which stands at nearly 15%. In other fields, the south also differs from the national average: the probability of southern residents being employed in high-end manufacturing is 76% higher than the national average, while the probability of working in computer programming or R&D is only 60% of the national average. An examination by sector and religion shows that women from the “others” group are twice as likely to be employed in a high-paying job in high-end manufacturing than Jewish women, and both Muslim men and women have a lower probability of being employed in lucrative industries. Employment rates among haredi men and women in lucrative sectors is very low. “Overall, the population in the south seems to be more satisfied, and there are successes in various areas such as an increase in the share of people with higher education and a decrease in the education gap between Jews and Arabs, an increase in real estate transactions despite the coronavirus crisis, and bringing an increase in the concentration of high-end manufacturing into the south. It is clear that investment in the south has borne fruits and that it is worthwhile to continue investing in the region,” says Prof. Weinreb. President of the Taub Center, Prof. Avi Weiss, comments: “Investments in the south are yielding returns both for the residents of the south and for the country as a whole, and there is great potential for further social and economic development in this region. For example, it is possible to continue developing the high-tech and manufacturing industries in the south and to expand the workforce the region so desperately needs.”