A leading Lithuanian-haredi rabbi has said that Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) will have "no forgiveness" after he decided to pull daycare subsidies for children whose fathers do not work, Israel Hayom reported. According to the report, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky said, "Whoever harms the children of Israel - there is no forgiveness for him." "Anyone who has a part in these decrees will sit in purgatory," he said, expanding his words to include those who knew about the plan and remained silent. "The Torah is eternal, and all the decrees will not cause us to cease studying. There were decrees throughout the years, and the People of Israel remained steadfast and continued to learn Torah." Liberman's announcement prompted criticism from Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, a member of the extreme leftist Meretz party. In an interview with Galei Zahal , Horowitz said: "I am in favor of giving children what they need - irrespective from what their parents do." "A child is an entity in itself, and if it is in his best interest to be in a daycare center - I am not in favor of depriving him of that."