During the month of mercy and supplications, just prior to the start of the new Jewish year, the Shuva Israel community is expanding - this time, in the USA. On Tuesday morning, during his visit to Los Angeles, California, community leader Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, who also serves as the head of the rabbinical court chiefs in Morocco, instructed that another new study hall be founded. Rabbi Pinto's statement was made at the beginning of a class he gave in the city. In it, he told his students: "We are asking you, that by Thursday you will try to open a new study hall, in Los Angeles. Advance this amongst yourselves. Turn the city upside down and found a second study hall in Los Angeles." Rabbi Pinto also spoke about Shuva Israel's blessed initiative to found centers of Torah and prayer around the world, and about the new yeshivas which opened in the past month in Miami, New Jersey, and in the Israeli city of Ness Ziona. Related articles: Tens of thousands participate in Torah classes Rabbi Pinto meets with Defense and Foreign Ministers Rabbi Pinto visits the French parliament Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto visits Antwerp's Jewish community "We bless [you] that there should be salvation and blessing, happiness, success, and abundance," Rabbi Pinto told those involved in the efforts. In recent days, Rabbi Pinto has been staying in the US, as part of his journey to offer support and inspiration to the Shuva Israel communities in the country. Earlier this week, another Shuva Israel yeshiva was founded in New Jersey. This yeshiva is headed by Rabbi Yosef Cohen, and the study hall has already begun its Torah activities and serves all residents of the area who seek a place for Torah and prayer.