Ezequiel Doiny
Ezequiel DoinyCourtesy
On December 23, 2021 Just the News reported "...In Georgia, meanwhile, Republican state Sen. Butch Miller last week pre-filed a bill that would remove all drop boxes for absentee ballots, which were first instituted in Georgia near the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. "This measure heightens ballot security, restores faith in the integrity of our elections, and does not decrease access for legal voters," Miller wrote in a statement. "It's impossible to know if drop boxes led to fraud during last year's election because many counties failed to do the surveillance that was required by law."

...Georgia Democratic Party Executive Director Scott Hogan called Miller's proposal an "attack on absentee voting," accusing Miller of "trying to silence the voters of color." Voting rights activist Stacey Abrams is a strong supporter of drop boxes, arguing they increase voting access to minorities..."

On December 16, 2021 The Gateway Pundit reported "The Democrats announced they... are going to again focus on their national election bill – HR1. This is a complete communist takeover of America’s election system...Nationwide mail-in voting, banning restrictions on ballot harvesting, banning voter ID, criminal voters,DC Statehood roadwork, it’s all in here..."

The Reform Movement announced it is "campaigning heavely" for HR1. On April 6, 2021 Reforn rabbis Jonah Dov Pesner and Yolanda Savage-Narva wrote in Religious Action Center (part of reformjudaism.org)

"The Reform Movement’s 2021 Racial Justice Campaign is a continuation of our 2020 Civic Engagement Campaign, during which we trained and engaged 15,000 Reform leaders and brought in 865,000 voters, largely in the very communities that were targeted for voter suppression. However, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, 360 bills are still moving their way through state houses to suppress voters. We cannot lose sight of what is needed of the Reform Movement to create a society firmly rooted in racial equity, diversity, and inclusion (REDI).

"Further, we have an obligation to address the racism that is still prevalent within our own congregations and communities, not only because of the growing numbers of Jews of Color but for the integrity of all our communal institutions. This campaign aims to help dismantle systemic racism in and out of the Jewish community by educating, inspiring, and empowering individuals and communities to look inwardly to make communal change and outwardly to win legislative change.

"OUR PLANS-The campaign will address systemic racism by demanding policy change on both a state and federal level. For example, we will campaign heavily for policies such as H.R 1 (the “For the People Act” protecting American’s Freedom to Vote, election integrity, campaign finance, and governmental ethics, and which has passed the House but faces hurdles in the Senate) and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

"Additionally, after the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) voted at our 2019 Biennial Convention to call our nation to consider reparations, we will campaign for H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act..."

Bill Hagerty explained "Washington Democrats’ deceptively labeled “For the People Act," HR1/S1, which is currently before the Senate Rules Committee on which I serve, is a blatant attempt at a federal takeover of state election rules that’s more accurately called the “For the Politicians Act.”

"HRI is an unprecedented, unconstitutional, and un-American power grab that would disenfranchise every Tennessean.

"Tennessee’s state representatives would no longer set Tennessee’s election rules, as the Founding Fathers envisioned. And this partisan legislation would open the floodgates to illegally cast votes, thereby washing away lawful votes and jeopardizing our system of representative government.

"Under this legislation, a federal politician running for reelection could take potentially millions in taxpayer money for his or her campaign.

"The politician could then use those taxpayer dollars to pay political operatives to visit nursing homes, dormitories, emergency shelters, and other residences to collect thousands of ballots each and drop some (the ones they like) or all of them at an unmanned, 24/7 drop-box.

"It would be illegal to require voter identification at the polls. Ballots arriving 10 days after Election Day would be counted. Universal mail-in voting would be permitted. Violent felons would be permitted to vote, overriding Tennessee law prohibiting murderers, rapists, and child molesters from voting. And unregistered voters could vote by simply showing up on Election Day and signing a form, without an ID and with no vetting allowed."

The Reform Movement is campaigning "heavely" in favor of the “For the People Act” which if approved would help the Democrats stay in power - which would enable Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and pressure Israel to divide Jerusalem. Currently the Biden administration is not only trying to reopen the Consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem that Trump closed, they are also trying to pass a resolution in Congress that rules that even Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall are in "occupied Palestinian territories."


Ezequiel Doiny is author of "Obama's assault on Jerusalem's Western Wall"