Ever since she was born ten years ago, Racheli has been suffering from a rare disease of the kidneys and digestive system. Over the years, her condition has worsened, and she suffers from malnutrition and anorexia, and her life is in immediate danger . To save her, it is necessary to urgently fly with her to the Children's Hospital in Boston, where she will urgently perform a complex operation on the digestive system and a new kidney transplant instead of the two non-functioning kidneys . Click her to help>> Her parents approached us when they were broken and desperate, ten years they ran around with her between hospitals and doctors, which significantly impaired their ability to work and support their family normally and in addition accumulated debts of hundreds of thousands of dollars because of the treatments and medications not included in the state health basket. And they need to pay this privately, but what do you not do to fight for the life of a girl so loved and want life ? Now, to save her life , she needs to raise $ 500,000 to come to Boston to perform the medical procedures and surgeries that will save her . There are no two choices here, either life or death, Chas V'chalilah ! Her mother tells us in pain how much she is afraid that God forbid she will not be with us anymore, and she is willing to do anything for her and continue to fight for her life, but this time it is no longer up to her ... Click her to help>> They have already spent all their savings and taken out high loans to take care of her, now she no longer has anywhere to take out any more loans in addition to all the debts accrued to them so far, and there is nowhere to fund this expensive medical procedure . After so many years that she has tried to deal with all this with her husband alone, now , she stands before us ashamed and having no choice; she turns to us and asks us to save her so beloved daughter Rachel ! She's her whole life ! Racheli wants to live ! She is a girl with lots of joy in life, and she wants to be a happy and healthy girl like all her friends . All of us together, we can allow her that! We must save her ! Together we will mobilize for her rescue and help her dear parents drive her to the hospital in Boston and allow them to be by her side during all treatment before and after surgery and "BeEzrat HaShem" she can live and return to us healthy and strong and fulfill her future out of health and happiness. Click her to save Racheli>>