Dear Jewish brethren, A relative of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky is in great distress. He is tormented by creditors day and night. They are threatening to take away his house and all his possessions. His pain is indescribable! His wife also developed a serious heart condition, and other health problems, due to the dire circumstance. CLICK HERE TO DONATE This man is an esteemed Rosh Yeshiva and great Talmid Chochom from Bnei Brak. He involves himself in great acts of chesed for Klal Yisrael. He has small children at home and the situation is very tense. WHERE WILL HE LIVE?! WHERE WILL HIS CHILDREN SLEEP AT NIGHT?! If he does not come up with the necessary funds, he will be forced out of his own house. CLICK HERE TO DONATE “This case is one of saving life,” says Rav Yitzchok Kolodetsky, son in law of Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky proclaimed that anyone who donates $353 (the numerical value of שמחה = Happiness) will experience happiness in their life. They will merit success in finding a match, health, peace in the home, children, and financial wellbeing. Grab this opportunity! Join the Torah giants involved, and help him and his family return to normalcy. ALL DONOR NAMES WILL BE BROUGHT BY REBBETZIN KOLODETSKY TO RABBI CHAIM ON ERUV PURIM. CLICK HERE TO DONATE