The IDF, Israel Police, and ISA have issued a joint press release containing a sweeping denunciation of the conduct of media personnel at last night's deadly shooting in Tel Aviv.
"The media turned last night into a reality show, with no thought for operational security, classified information, or the safety of themselves or the security forces working at the scene. Undercover operatives, methods of operation, and equipment used were all exposed," the statement accused.
"The pursuit was broadcast live, unfiltered, not only to every house in Israel but also, unfortunately, to hostile elements. Despite repeated requests from security forces, camera crews exposed numerous aspects of operational protocol, and in doing so have endangered our forces," the statement continues.
One one phenomenon in particular draws the sharpest criticism: "it is inconceivable that reporters would think to attach themselves to special forces and move house to house with them while searching for the terrorist. This behavior endangers everyone," the statement declares.
Along with the troubling facts that were exposed, the statement takes the media to task over misinformation as well. "We also witnessed a troubling wave of misinformation. This represents a danger to the public and weakens Israel's resiliency."
"We understand and appreciate, and consider ourselves full partners in responsibility for the right of the public to know what is happening in their country. That said, we cannot accept a situation where such incidents will present an unwarranted danger to security forces. We will work to prevent this from repeating itself, and we hope that you will as well," the statement concludes.