Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan held a press conference outside the Security Council hall at the beginning of the discussion that is currently taking place on the situation in Jerusalem. Ambassador Erdan presented videos to the international media documenting exactly what happened on the Temple Mount and proving that Arab extremists are solely responsible for the violence on the Temple Mount, and even brought in weapons and attacked the police force and Jewish visitors with stones, firecrackers and fireworks. In a few minutes, Ambassador Erdan will speak at the council hearing and criticize those in the international community who do not recognize what is happening on the Temple Mount. "The focus of today's discussion will again be on the lies of Palestinian terrorist organizations regarding the situation in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, and not the real critical threats to the Middle East, such as Iran and its nuclear program, or its terrorist branches like Hezbollah, which undermine stability in the region," Erdan said. "On the Temple Mount, we are witnessing the violence of hundreds of Palestinian extremists who are throwing stones, throwing Molotov cocktails and firing fireworks. They endanger Muslim worshipers and also threaten the Jews who pray at the Western Wall. As a result, the Israeli police were forced to intervene, while showing restraint, and restoring order to the mountain and defending freedom of worship. "And yet, UN countries have the audacity to call for "calm on both sides." On both sides? Who are the parties? On the one hand, there are bloodthirsty terrorists who call for the murder of Jews, throw Molotov cocktails and rocks from the mosque's windows and shoot fireworks in their holy places. "On the other hand - a law-abiding democracy, which guarantees freedom of worship to all, is committed to protecting the holy places, and shows respect and restraint before using minimal force only when human lives are endangered. Terrorist organizations, such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, weave a web of lies and point fingers to absurdly blame Israel, and there are many in the international community who adopt this false narrative. "You all know that a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video from a trusted source is worth a million words. But just like an ostrich, many in the international community have chosen to bury their heads in the sand. Why bother to hear the truth and facts, if it is possible to blame Israel or make an ugly and wrong moral comparison between a democratic state and terrorist organizations? I refuse to let the lie control the narrative, so if I cannot show the videos that show the truth in the Security Council, I will present them here to you and I am sure you will spread the truth in your media. "To the international community I say - enough. Stop placing Israel and extremist terrorist organizations on an equal footing with each other. In your actions, you are legitimizing terrorism and only contributing to the escalation of violence, as we have seen in recent days in the rocket fire from Gaza and last night from Lebanon. Wake up. The truth is right in front of you, it's time to get your head out of the sand," Erdan said.