The Likud party is split internally regarding its relationship with Yamina's number two, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked, Yediot Aharonot reported. According to the report, some of those in the Likud want to prevent her from joining the party, at all costs, while others would like to bring her into the party. The report added that behind the scenes, several officials and MKs in the Likud are working to prevent a spot from being reserved for her, even if she "repents," brings down the government , and joins Likud. Related articles: Government must resign and call elections Ayelet Shaked responds to Australian minister's visa decision Ayelet Shaked refused entry to Australia Shaked: Destroy Iran's nuclear facilities These officials turned to central Likud activists, requesting that they begin signing party members onto a document against reserving a spot for Shaked. Their purpose: To create a majority who are against reserving a spot for her, since the party's headquarters must approve all seat reservations. Shaked has not responded, but sources in Yamina said the campaign is from the Likud officials. "In the past two weeks, they are trying to fuel this story for the purpose of thwarting a future process like this, if it ever were to happen," the sources said. "Her [supposed] request to have a spot reserved for her in the Likud, for two Knessets - that's simply laughable. If she comes to Likud, it will not be by means of a guaranteed seat. She does not believe in that."