Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu
Rabbi Shmuel EliyahuFlash 90

Safed Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu called on Jewish Israelis to visit Jerusalem and to participate in the Flag March on Jerusalem Day.

"There is a special mitzvah (commandment) to ascend the flag parade this year, as our Arab enemies try to threaten us not to enter the Old City, the area where the Temple Mount is located," Rabbi Eliyahu said. "They want to bar us from the entire country, especially this part of Jerusalem, to say we have no rights in the Old City of Jerusalem."

"G-d forbid that we should give them the feeling that Jerusalem is theirs. G-d forbid that we give them the feeling that their threats work and we are afraid of them.

"If, G-d forbid, fewer Jews come to Jerusalem this year, the Arabs will feel that their threats are working, and they will continue to threaten the Israeli government whenever it wants to make a decision that is not in their interests. It will be horrible is the State of Israel is run in such a manner," he said.

"It is important to be clear to them and to all peoples. Jerusalem has been a Jewish city since the days of King David and we will never give it up. The presence of the Arabs on the Temple Mount is a painful and unfortunate historical mistake and we will do everything to correct it soon.

"Therefore, each participation by Jews in the Flag March fulfills the commandment: 'and you shall inherit the land and dwell in it," Rabbi Eliyahu concluded.