It’s not a Jewish issue, it’s not a Zionist issue, but it really comes down to a survival issue for all Americans born here, all legal immigrants and for our international allies who believe in freedoms, peace and democracy. Don’t Divide New York into 2 Regions New York is ONE state. There are many more Trump supporters than you think within the five boroughs and Long Island than you think. And, not all of upstate is Republican. Nothing proves this more than the congressional loses of Congresswoman Claudia Tenney and Congressman John Faso. We are all ONE. Each County Chair faces the same challenges of budgets, changing demographics and fake news. Recognize Those That Don’t Support You and Stay Away We expect most Democrats to oppose any word or action from you. However, there are way too many “so-called” Republicans that don’t support you and must be called out. Candidates who ran in 2017 and 2018, and ran a campaign openly opposing you or never came out supporting you, lost badly. Two examples were Nicole Malliotakis for mayor and now former Congressman Dan Donovan. New York’s most important Republican right now is not New York State Republican Chair Edward Cox, it’s Congressman Lee Zeldin. Zeldin stood by you long before anyone else, never wavered his dedication to you and your policies and survived both a blue Tsunami and a multi-million attack from Perry Gershon and lots of anti-Semites. Stay Away From Alt-Right Groups A few “Trump Supporters” tie your name to Alt-Right, racist, sexist and anti-Semitic groups. Their roars are loud, but in reality, they offer little donor money and actually fewer votes. They actually turn away potential Trump votes from Independent and disgruntled Democratic supporters by their tone and actions. They do not represent your Pro-Israel policies, your commitment to minorities and your protection of the Constitution. Freedom of Speech is questionable when people threaten hurt to others. Keep Tweeting Your use of social media makes you transparent. It scares your opponents. Copycats try hard, but do not command the characters of Twitter like you do. Real Trump supporters comment positively and retweet, they don’t use memes with vulgarity thinking they are you. Follow Albany Carefully Albany 2019 can be a prototype of what’s to come for 2020. More socialists, progressives and far-left elected officials will make life a living hell for hard-working, tax-paying New Yorkers. I, like many others, predict more hate crimes, more protests and violence as a result of politicians seeking support and votes from newer residents rather than listening to New Yorkers who have family histories and roots in the Empire State. My prediction is that this turn of events will only drive people to leave New York. If they stay in New York, they are disgusted with politics and politicians and find your personality and business savvy more enticing. Let Them Keep Investigating Newly Elected Attorney General Tish James, Congressmen Jerrold Nadler and Eliot Engel and Senators Chuck Schumer Kirsten Gillibrand and all the newly-elected officials from the Democratic Party get their headlines by using the words “impeachable” and “investigate.” Two years, millions of taxpayer dollars and lots of needless hires and still no Russia collusion. Nobody who voted for you cares who you dated, or go out with. They elected you for your business savvy. We expect you to build buildings and relationships around the world. We admired you for it thirty years ago and we expect it from you ten years from now. Keep A Campaign Promise and End And/Or Diminish The Department Of Education Unfortunately, we still have many components of Common Core in public, private and other school situations. Textbooks and curriculum still teach inaccurate facts about history, distort religious practices and beliefs and now teaches sexuality in a way that makes many who voted for you feel guilty about supporting traditional marriage, virginity and sexual relationships. Education in New York will be one of the biggest issues and probably one if the most obvious Democratic failures this year. Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza is making yeshiva standards, testing for elite high schools and requests for millions more for failing schools top priorities of his for 2019. As the public school system continues to fail its students and as charter schools continue to better prepare students for graduation and higher education, your original education agenda will actually work before 2020 if implemented, including school choice. Remind Everyone Where You Came From President Donald J. Trump, you are a New Yorker and will always be a New Yorker! Born in Queens, and with golf courses, hotels, towers and skyscrapers all over the state, remind people that if you make it there, you can make it anywhere....even in The White House fighting fake news, questionable investigations and powerful public figures fighting you every step of the way. Don’t Give Up On The Jews You have proven yourself over and over again to Jerusalem, Israel and American Jews. Democratic Jews are having a harder time defending themselves. They can not factually and accurately compare their ancestors’s legal immigration to the United States to immigrants of today. They can not deny your love of your Jewish family members, Jewish friends and respect for our traditions. They can not close their eyes to legislation in Congress in Washington DC or actions at The United Nations. As more Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other minority groups are walking away from other parties and joining “The Trump Party,” more Jews will too. We have a leader of the free world who leads, who is not afraid, and is always “In The New York State Of Mind.” It’s good for the United States, Israel and Jews around the world. Cindy Grosz can be reached at