Prominent personality Ben Shapiro and his father, currently in Israel, visited the Temple Mount on Sunday and prayed Minchah (the afternoon prayer) there.
It was the first time the elder Shapiro had ascended to the Mount. His mother passed away recently.
Ben Shapiro himself has visited the Temple Mount before but was removed by security guards during his visit, which he made with his wife. Guards ordered the entire group of Jews to leave after several members of the group (the Shapiros apparently not included) began to sing while on the Mount.
On this visit, Shapiro expressed his satisfaction with the positive atmosphere and improvements in the conditions for Jews visiting the holy site.
"You can't come to Israel and not visit the Temple Mount," he said.
Accompanying the Shapiros on Sunday was Rabbi Yehuda Levi from the temple Mount Yeshiva and Rabbi Shimshon Elbaum, the head of the Temple Mount administration.
Rabbi Elbaum lauded the visitors for prioritizing the Mount during their visit. He also blessed that they merit to see the rebuilt Temple in their lifetimes.