Abir Kara announces launch of new party
Abir Kara announces launch of new partyIsrael National News

A member of the Yamina faction announced Sunday that he will not be part of the Zionist Spirit’s Knesset slate in this November’s election, but will instead run at the helm of a new party.

MK Abir Kara, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, held a press conference Sunday night, marking the launch of a new party, dubbed the “Economic Freedom Party”.

As its name implies, Kara said the new party would focus on economic liberalization, which he said would help combat the high cost of living.

“The Israeli economy still hasn’t disconnected itself from its Mapai roots,” Kara said, referring to the progenitor of the Israeli Labor Party.

Kara blasted central planning in the Israeli economy, pointing to the “Israel Dairy Board,” and similar organizations managing the production of “olives, honey, and eggs; fruit and vegetables.”

“There’s no end to the number of boards, it’s like the old soviet system in the USSR – boards that make sure that the mark stays expensive and exclusive.”

The deputy minister also slammed “the Israeli agricultural lobby”, the teachers’ union, and monopolies relying on state-imposed limits to imports.

“Israel is a very expensive country. Since 2009, Israel has gotten more expensive in every area, and has become the sixth most expensive country [to live in] in the entire world.”

“Israel has a managed economy, a market that takes from a very specific kind of citizen on behalf of companies which shout the loudest,” Kara continued.

“Israel isn’t a country with a labor union, Israel is a labor union with a country. And who pays for it? The little citizen: The worker, the entrepreneur, the creator. The people who are crushed by Israel’s unreasonable taxes. That’s what pays for all of this.”