At a gathering marking the anniversary of the death of the sage Simon the Just (Shimon Hatzadik), by his grave in Jerusalem on Sunday, members of the Shuvu Banim cult, led by twice-convicted felon Eliezer Berland, rioted. During the disturbances, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Aryeh King was hit in the head by a large garbage can, he suffered minor injuries. Police cleared the riot and ended the gathering. The followers also attacked the chief rabbi of Safed, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who fought against the cult leader who was convicted of sexual assault. "The followers of Berland the criminal almost murdered someone. This man needs to be sent to jail. he incites people to serious acts," Rabbi Eliyahu stated at the scene. Related articles: Haredim to protest minister's assistance to cult leader Haredi organization against haredi Minister Criminal and cult leader Eliezer Berland lights torch in Meron Convicted cult leader Eliezer Berland won't light Meron bonfire