The Buchenwald death camp memorial site was defaced on Thursday with swastikas and other neo-Nazi symbols, which were scrawled on signs at the complex.
The national memorial is at the site of the former concentration camp in Germany.
Police said on Friday that two traffic signs and a sign containing a map of the site were defaced with the far-right symbols on Thursday night, the Associated Press reported.
According to officials, the signs were immediately removed.
The foundation that oversees the memorial site said in a statement that the vandalism was an “abhorrent attack on the dignity of the Nazis’ victims and on our work.”
German police opened an investigation into the incident. No information about who may have been responsible has been released.
In July, vandals damaged trees twice in the same week that were planted in honor of the victims of the former concentration camp.
Seven trees planted near the camp memorial were felled or badly damaged, and another two were destroyed days later, according to the charity that planted them.
The trees were part of the project "1,000 beeches" by the Lebenshilfewerk organization which has since 1999 planted saplings along the "death march" route from the former camp.
(Israel National News' North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Israel National News articles, however, is Israeli time.)