Nabil Abu Rudeineh
Nabil Abu RudeinehReuters

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the official spokesman for Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, says that the repeated Israeli threats to change the existing historical situation at Al-Aqsa Mosque (the Temple Mount) "will have serious consequences for everyone."

In a statement on Monday, Abu Rudeineh criticized Israel for granting permission to hold prayers and religious worship for Jews, setting a place for a synagogue in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and declaring the equal right of all religions there.

"The complicated problems are creating a tense and unstable new situation, and there will undoubtedly be a different historical period, so the occupation must understand very well that Jerusalem will always remain the key to security and peace, and is the only historical condition for maintaining stability in the always-burning region," said the PA spokesman.

Abu Rudeineh further said that "the real test of the American administration will be in its position regarding the policy and approach of the current extreme Israeli government and its position towards the decisions of international legitimacy, first of all (UN Security Council) Resolution 2334."

"The time has come to turn the words (of President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken) into reality on the ground before it's too late," said Abbas’ spokesman, warning against this dangerous policy, which if not curbed through serious American pressure, will lead to the situation getting out of control.