Thousands of people all gathered together, screaming for the death of the Jews and their tiny state; this is what the Palestinian flag represents, the flag Itamar Ben-Gvir just banned from being shown in public. However this flag is not some novel creation from recent years. In 1961 Yasser Arafat created his Palestinian Liberation Organization, and with it came the modern Palestinian Arab flag. Turn the clocks a number of decades back to the oppressive British occupation of Eretz Yisrael and you’ll see that the ‘Palestinian’ flag of those times did not express Arab imperialism as the modern one does- it actually depicted Jewish nationalism. The Palestinian flag of old decked out in blue and white, with a beautiful gold Magen David stamping the gorgeous banner was a symbol of Jewish resilience through exile; it shouted that we have formally come home after 2,000 years with one plan: to claim our ancient homeland. This old flag showed who the rightful owners of Israel are. The new flag on the other hand expresses pan-Arabism with its green, red, and white coloring. The thousands of Arabs who massacred the poor defenseless Jews of Hebron in 1929 did so in the name of this modern, sadistic symbol. Ironically, the flag hadn't even been created yet but the ideas behind it have existed for hundreds of years. Arafat did not want a Palestinian state, he was not even born in what he considered Arab Palestine- he was Egyptian. Arafat and those that aided in his plot to destroy the state of Israel wanted one thing and one thing only: to remove every Jew from the Middle East. His acquaintances ,whohad been massacring Jews since he was in diapers, had the same thing in mind. If it was just about land, then why did they attack Israel in '67 when Jordan owned the land that they were so set on occupying? Why did they murder hundreds of Jews in the 1920s when a Jewish state was an unachievable dream at the time? There is no such thing as Palestinian Arab nationalism, there is no country called Palestine; the only time there was any semblance of it was when the Romans decided to embarrass the Jews and changed the territory's name to something resembling Philistine. The terrorist supporters who want to undermine our sovereignty are no different than the Romans. This is not a plot for humanitarianism but rather a conniving scheme to destroy Israel and her people. Luckily for us, Knesset member Ben-Gvir is doing everything in his power to stop just that. Joe Ben Malin i s a high school student. He currently attends yeshiva in the United States..