EXPLORE THE WORLD OF RAV HIRSCH! 10% off + Free Shipping with code HIRSCH10 at checkout on feldheim.com! For words that are as timely as they are timeless…the ink never dries! The challenges were overwhelming, Tsunami-like in their enormity: Jewshad full access to the secular, culture-at-large; unprecedented opportunities – educationally, socially, and economically. The result: widespread assimilation, intermarriage; at the same time, antisemitism was on the rise. Traditional Judaism was at odds with a progressive, modern world, and the breach seemed irreparable. Sound familiar? Could very well be America, today, but it was Germanyin the middle of the 19th century. Enter… Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch : a true, spiritual pioneer, anoriginal thinker, and a tremendous activist, who proved once again how thepen is so much mightier than the sword. Over the course of a lifetime, hegalvanized the Jewish community of Frankfurt, established his own Kehillah along with an innovative system of schools. At the same time, he penned a living legacy of commentaries, texts, essays, and articles that addressed all the issues of his day – as well as ours. He entered the breach, and he stemmed the tide. Almost all of what he wrote is available in English, and whatever the topic, his words are as alive, as meaningful, as penetrating, powerful, and practical as ever…ready to kindle or re-kindle the Jewish spirit of today! The Hirsch Chumash Breathtaking in depth and scope, this expansive work combines history, halacha, hashkafa and Ta’amei HaMitzvos, as seen through Rabbi Hirsch’s profound analysis of Hebrew letters and words. The result is a panoramic commentary truly unlike any other. Collected Writings You’ll find the full expression of Jewish life represented in these Collected Writings: Essays that deal with the Jewish year, raising children, education, inner peace, reasons for the mitzvos, understanding the Oral Torah, and so much more. The Nineteen Letters Framed as a correspondence between a student filled with doubts and a young Rabbi, this is an indispensable guide to the fundamentals of Judaism and the Torah’s blueprint for leading a meaningful life. The Hirsch Haggadah This volume brings together a magnificent selection from the works of Rabbi Hirsch…all beautifully interwoven into the Haggadah text. The Hirsch Anthology Organized by topic, in alphabetical order, this extraordinary sampling provides readers with a remarkable range of insights and fundamental Jewish thought as seen through the profound lens of Rav Hirsch. The Hirsch Tehillim This brilliant commentary reveals layers of meaning in the Psalms that are at once personal and transcendent, exploring the emotional and spiritual yearnings that accompany us throughout life. The Hirsch Siddur Discover the power, beauty, and meaning of the daily and seasonal prayers in this gateway to tefilla, filled with new levels of insight and understanding. Hirsch Chapters of the Fathers Filled with inspiring, stimulating ideas, this commentary shines with insights aimed at developing good character, personal integrity, and spiritual growth. From the Wisdom of Mishle This collection of brief essays combines the timeless wisdom of King Solomon with the penetrating insights of Rav Hirsch. The result is a treasure trove of Torah teachings relevant to Jewish life today. 10% off + Free Shipping with code HIRSCH10 at checkout on feldheim.com! Get these classics and more at Feldheim.com!