Cantor Moshe Stern, 87, has passed away. Stern was considered one of the best Ashkenazic-Jewish cantors, and became famous throughout the world for his powerful voice. Born in Budapest, Hungary, Stern studied under his father. His older brother, László (Benjamin) Stern, was the head cantor in Budapest for decades. Stern began his career as the head cantor in Rehovot's Great Synagogue. Later, he served as cantor at the Heichal Shlomo synagogue in Jerusalem, as well as in South Africa and in the Beth-El synagogue in Boro Park, New York, where he became famous. In 1977, Stern returned to Israel, and settled in the neighborhood of Har Nof in Jerusalem. The funeral will be held at 3:00p.m. on Thursday, at the Shamgar funeral home in Jerusalem. Related articles: World Famous Cantor Dedicates Final Performance to Pollard