The Knesset will open its summer session Monday, convening for the first time since the Passover recess. Topping the Knesset’s agenda is passage of the state budget. If the budget does not pass by May 29th, the Knesset will automatically dissolve and snap elections will be called. Today the Knesset will hold a festive ceremony in which House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will speak. No significant bills are expected to be discussed Monday, however, with most of the votes taking place being votes of no confidence. At this stage, there are no plans for resuming legislation of the judicial reform plan. No hearings have been scheduled in the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee to prepare bills related to the reform, as negotiations to reach a compromise at the President's residence continue. Those talks will resume on Tuesday, with significant gaps between the Opposition and the Coalition. The draft law, which haredi lawmakers had previously pushed to pass early in the summer session, is no longer a priority, with a senior United Torah Judaism official saying Sunday evening that the haredi parties have decided to postpone the legislation. "The haredi parties have decided to postpone the law in order not to increase tensions after the suspension of the reform," the official said. Previously the two haredi parties – Shas and UTJ – had leveled an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding passage of the draft law before the deadline for the state budget. The current law, passed in 2017 but struck down by the Supreme Court later that year, is set to expire in August, following numerous extensions by the court to give the government time to pass new legislation.