To view all the Torah Lessons , Click Here Parashat Korach Presented By: Rav Eli Ozarowski Written by: Nir Shaul In Parashat Korach, the posuk says “You will not have an inheritance in their Land; I am your portion & inheritance among the Israelites.” Question Why didn't the Levites receive an inheritance in the Land of Israel? Answer The Levites are the “King’s Legion” and it is therefore appropriate that their livelihood should be provided for them, without the need for them to work hard. To watch the Torah Lesson , Click Here To view all the Mishna Lessons, Click Here Presented By: Avrum Leeder Written by: Tsvi Levy Question How does the sanctity of the Land Boundaries promised to the Forefathers affect the laws of Maaserot (Tithes)? Answer The boundaries of the Land which G-d promised to the forefathers have an inherent sanctity, and for this reason Am Yisrael is commanded to conquer them first. To watch the Mishna Lesson, Click Here Reposted from Eretz Yisrael Yomi