ההפגנה מול ביתה של נשיאת העליון אסתר חיותדוברות "אם תרצו"

About 100 Israelis participated in a demonstration this evening (Thursday) outside the home of Supreme Court President Esther Hayut. The demonstrators protested against the Supreme Court's unprecedented intervention in Israel's quasi-constitutional Basic Laws.

They brought bananas with them to illustrate, according to them, "the depth of the damage done by the judges of the Supreme Court to democracy."

According to the protesters, "The Interference by the Supreme Court in the Basic Laws will turn Israel into a banana republic where 15 judges trample on the people's decision."

Matan Jerafi, the national task coordinator of the Im Tirtzu movement, said that "if the President of the Supreme Court decides to cancel a Basic Law enacted by the Knesset, the decision will be remembered forever. Israel is not and will not be a banana republic under the control of 15 judicial oligarchs, this would be a fatal blow to Israeli democracy. The Supreme Court must not touch Basic Laws. The Supreme Court judges must understand that they have no public legitimacy to cancel the people's decision. Aharon Barak made it clear himself in the past that the Supreme Court has no authority to violate Basic Laws."