Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday opened the 2023-2024 school year at the Almog Elementary School in Ma'ale Adumim, together with Education Minister Yoav Kish, Ma'ale Adumim Mayor Benny Kashriel, Education Ministry Acting Director General Meir Shimoni and Teachers Union Secretary General Yaffa Ben-David. Prime Minister Netanyahu commended Education Minister Kish and Teachers Union Secretary General Ben-David for the important work that was done to open the school year properly. "Shalom children. Shalom first grade. This is a very happy day for you, and I am certain for your parents as well. This is also a happy day for the State of Israel," Prime Minister Netanyahu to first-grade pupils. "I ask you that as you look around you and see your friends, every one of you is special, and everyone is equal. Look at each other, be friends, and be good to each other. Learn well and listen to your teachers and be good boys and girls to each other." Prime Minister Netanyahu then turned to a student named Yonatan: "Did you know that right here, thousands of years ago, there was a little boy who was also named Yonatan? He spoke Hebrew and prayed to G-d in the same language. And you, Yonatan, and your children are the continuation of these children in the same place. This is our land. This is our language, and this is our past. It is also our future. We want you to study Hebrew and the story of our people and of this land. But also study many new things – from the past and the future. Do you know what? In another 3,000 years, there will be another Yonatan here." Education Minister Kish stated: "In the end, we are leading a very large system, with a very festive day, with emotion and considerable success and satisfaction. We salute the education system as it moves forward. I would like to say to all those who are asking and who are concerned: There are answers and resources that this government is giving to education. I say – I am responsible for leading it. We have a host of challenges, and we will meet them all. Thank you, Prime Minister."