The chairman of the United Breslov organization in Uman, Rabbi Natan Ben-Nun, met Tuesday in Kyiv with the Ukrainian Minister of Religion Viktor Yelensky, who was appointed by the Ukrainian government to oversee the Rosh Hashanah services in Uman. During the meeting, the Minister clarified to Rabbi Ben-Nun that the matter of renewing the requirement for visas for Israelis is not at all on the agenda for the heads of government in Ukraine. Israelis hoping to join the Rosh Hashanah services in Ukraine will neither be required to have a visa ahead of their trip nor pay for one upon arriving in the country. The representatives of United Breslov said in response that, "Time and again we see how the method of rumors and the dissemination of false information have become part of the preparation for Rosh Hashanah. Unfortunately, even during the days of Rosh Hashanah itself, wrong and false information has been spread in the past, while causing deception to the general public and at times it is difficult to find out and verify what is said." "We call on all participants in the services in Uman to please refrain from cooperating in spreading unfounded rumors and false information. This could cause great damage and has already happened before."