18 years after the Disengagement: The wedding of Ahuvya Yair, son of MK Limor Son Har-Melech of Otzma Yehudit, is being held this evening (Sunday) on the ruins of the village of Homesh. The bridegroom, Ahuvya Yair, was only 14 months old at the time of the attack , in which his father, Shuli Har-Melech, was murdered, and Limor was moderately injured. Son Har-Melech was one of the most prominent activists against the Disengagement from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza [Gush Katif] and also served as the "PR officer" of Homesh in its various stages of the struggle. Related articles: 'I demand personal supervision of Samaria shooting investigation' 'Treat terrorists in Judea and Samaria like those in Rafah' AG should stand trial "Children ask every evening - where's Daddy?" After the Disengagement, Son Har-Melech led the struggle for the return of Jews to the community and, in the last year, led the legislation to rescind the law of secession in northern Samaria. Ministers and members of Knesset from both the coalition and the opposition participated in the wedding ceremony and continued to join in the festive meal held in Shavei Shomron.