Former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked on Thursday morning said that if the Supreme Court intervenes on the Incapacitation Law, it will be making a serious mistake. "The entire discussion on this is unnecessary, this law is not a law which harms Israeli democracy in any way, and therefore it is clear that the court should not intervene. In addition, it's a Basic Law, there is absolutely no source of authority for the court to interfere in Basic Laws," she told 103FM Radio . "There have already been personal laws in the past," she noted, offering examples. "To create a crisis over this - it's not necessary. No one intends to force [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to resign, it's not on the table. ... I don't think that that is an option, I don't think that it is right, and I don't think that it will happen." Shaked noted that the entire discussion is not on the law itself but about when it will take effect: "On this as well - let the Knesset say its piece. I hope that the Supreme Court will not interfere. ... You don't need to intervene on everything." "There's no way the Supreme Court will invalidate this law. I hope that it also won't delay its implementation, because it's just an unnecessary battle between the judiciary and the legislature and executive authority." Related articles: House probes US funding to groups tied to Israel protests 'Race to the bottom' is breaking records for hilarity Opposition MKs appeal changes to Judicial Selection Committee Knesset passes bill to change composition of key committee "I hope that on the reasonableness standard, the Supreme Court will show restraint and not interfere. ... There are enough other clauses they can interfere in," she stressed. When asked if she intends to return to the Knesset, Shaked reiterated that in her opinion, the current government will last three or four years, "and so there's a lot of time left." "I don't know if I will be back, how I will return, where I'll return [to]. I really have no idea. Right now I am a civilian - I did a lot of good things in my career for the benefit of Israel's citizens, the visa exemption is one of them. Right now the citizens have chosen that someone else serve them, I don't know what will be in another three years." She emphasized, "Right now I am living the present, and I'm doing the best I can in my world right now. I don't know what will happen in the future... From what I see right now - I don't miss it."