Samaria governor Yossi Dagan joined the Samaria march together with the Minister of Settlements Orit Strook. The march went towards the altar of the biblical Joshua in response to attempts to destroy the site by the Palestinian Authority. The participants called to protect the historical sites in Judea and Samaria and protested the Palestinian Authority's attempts to appropriate the Jewish historical sites including the Cave of the Patriarchs, Ancient Jericho, the Temple Mount, the Joshua's altar in ancient Samaria, which they are trying to appropriate "for Palestinian heritage" with the assistance of the European Union. Related articles: 'Israel's Lookout' to be renamed to 'Trump Lookout' 'Arrest terrorists released to Judea and Samaria' Samaria Governor: 'Paula is a true friend of Jews and Israel' 'Now is a rare opportunity for sovereignty in Judea and Samaria' The march included performances by singers Shuli Rand and Aharon Razel, and speeches by public figures. Minister Strook said that "One of the most serious events of destruction of the Palestinian Authority's heritage is taking place on Mount Ebal. I am here to make it clear: the Israeli government will not stand by. Last Sunday I discussed the issue at the cabinet meeting, and soon another discussion will be held and decisions will be made." "It should be clear: wherever the Palestinian Authority acts contrary to its commitment according to the Oslo Accords - in any such place the State of Israel must take responsibility and act on its own, and this principle certainly also includes situations of destruction of heritage." Governor Dagan said: "The people of Israel are voting with their feet. How exciting it is to see the thousands who are coming here, from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Eilat, from the USA and from all over Samaria. We come here lifting our heads and connecting to our deepest roots at the altar of Joshua, where we became a people. In the face of the Palestinian Authority's barbaric attempts to destroy the altar site, to erase the heritage of the people of Israel, we come here and say that the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel." "We are happy that Minister Strook and the Israeli government understand this challenge, and have stopped the damage on Mount Ebal. We will work with the government to establish a heritage site here to preserve it. We are here to win. A person who remembers his past will have a real future in his country."