They knew that, in the end, they would get pounded and beaten. So what was the point? The point was firstly to kill Jews, but also to win the headline wars and to fire up Jew-hatred across the world. Some of that they got….at least for a start. Hours after the attack, brutality not seen since the Holocaust, Hamas defenders marched in New York City to display their brotherhood for terrorism against Israel and Jewish people everywhere, multiplied by such scenes in Los Angeles, Tampa, Chicago, Philadelphia, London, and Sydney. Such scenes duplicate Kristallnacht. Fist pumping and howling in favor of barbarism, they were joined by some 30 academic leaders from Harvard. These professors used academic-speak but the message was that of the mobs – “Gas the Jews.” These savages, meaning Hamas, know one thing above all else, and it is their most powerful weapon. Simply, they put no value on human life…not for others and not for themselves. They are a death cult. Jews love life. It is the first imperative in the Hebrew Bible. For Jews, life is precious and must be preserved at all costs. Right away, in this clash. Hamas and Palestinian Arabs all around, enjoy a distinct advantage. In fact, they’ll want dead Arab bodies in Gaza, for the pictures to win the media. Hamas played this for Israel, and then the world…just as Hitler did, when he knew the ship St. Louis, the voyage of the damned, would be turned back port by port. How cleverly he knew the world. Don’t underestimate the cleverness of these goons. As they stirred up the mobs, in their favor, they got the worldwide media to forget the savagery from that one side. Instead, the usual suspects, like the BBC, termed it a war “between both combatants.” There’s your moral equivalence. Even the US media, the networks, could not resist the temptation to name Netanyahu an “extreme right-winger.” For some, that’s code for White Supremacist. Nor could they stop themselves from calling Judea/Samaria, aka the West Bank, “occupied territory.” This much though…altogether, the coverage has turned more favorable. There is no hiding what the eye can see, and even Harvard leaders have scolded the hateful professors. The evil is too transparent. Even for leftists? Some say, and I agree, that Israeli leftists brought this on. The storm they unleashed against Netanyahu confounded and preoccupied the entire nation. For some three years there was no other business except Get Bibi. For such internal strife, Hamas saw the opening and struck. Israel had taken its eye off the ball. Leftists had infiltrated all systems, including the military. So they fiddled, too blinded by leftist ideologies to see what’s coming. The leftist establishment were in a freeze because they trusted these Arabs to be basically good, good people. Just give them a chance. Now they know, the hard way. Goodness is a theory. Wickedness is a fact. New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva. He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal,” the authoritative newsroom epic, “The Bathsheba Deadline,” followed by his coming-of-age classics, “The Girls of Cincinnati,” and, the Holocaust-to-Montreal memoir , “Escape from Mount Moriah.” For that and his 1960s epic “The Days of the Bitter End,” contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Contact here . Engelhard books J.Engelhard NOW AVAILABLE: The collection of Jack Engelhard’s op-eds, Writings, here Plus, a free sample chapter of his noir gambling thriller, Compulsive, is available from his website, here .