7,000 pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators had gathered at the station in Düsseldorf, the seventh largest German city, to march along the Königsallee towards regional Parliament. One of the speakers told the mayor: “Our children already make up 30 percent of the students in Düsseldorf.” Where "ours" stands for Muslims. Welcome to “diversity”. Here is the ruthless logic of the pro-Hamas demonstrations that we see these days throughout Europe and in Italy: “We will be the majority, woe betide you if you support Israel”. Finally I read an article worthy of the name from the Catholic side. Fabrice Hadjadj, a famous French Catholic philosopher, signed it in Le Figaro : “Saturday, October 7, was not just the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War or the Shabbat of Simhat Torah. It was also the only Christian feast that commemorates a war victory, that of Lepanto, against the Islamic fleet of Ali Pasha. The 'al-Aqsa flood' occurs in this alignment of stars, giving voice to a famous cry of jihad: 'After Saturday, there is Sunday', in other words: after the Jews, the Christians. If the Hebrew Scriptures is our source, the Jewish State is our estuary. If Israel falls, Europe can only fall. It's not just about culture, but also about mystery. How is it possible that the fate of a country smaller than an Italian region can have such repercussions on the future of the world? Why is it that 9 million Jews claiming such a small land is a scandal to 2 billion Muslims, who own 57 countries and claim to be one Ummah? We could also ask: why did the Word become Hebrew?”. “Dad, I killed ten Jews,” says the Hamas terrorist while calling his father in Gaza. “Our son killed the unbelievers,” said the Brussels terrorist's parents proudly. Here are the two fronts of the same war of civilizations that speak the same language. But if you live in Israel, Hamas is about the right of the Jewish state to exist; while if you live in Europe, Hamas protects your right to exist. Just take a look at the "protest" at the Cenotaph in Whitehall. When they sing "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," for citizens of developed Western societies it is ultimately not about the Jews, but about the death of the West in real time. It reminds me of the memoirs of General Wrangel, the Russian who returned from the front in 1916 and found Russian bourgeois and nobles decked out in red ribbons in St. Petersburg to signify their solidarity with the Bolshevik revolution. They could not imagine then that the communists would come for them sooner or later. And they did. So today it is the Westerners who shout "From the river to the sea...". The Muslim Brotherhood scholar, Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, is right when she says to French tv: “We must be aware of what is happening, we have no choice. Otherwise it will be war. And what happened on October 7 in Israel will happen here." Meanwhile, the Times revealed that a fugitive Hamas super terrorist who ran the group's terrorist operations in the 'West Bank' lives in London on council property. This is Muhammad Qassem Sawalha, who using a relative's passport had fled to the United Kingdom and later obtained British citizenship. Meanwhile, Erdogan, who makes no secret of wanting to subjugate Europe, declared: "Hamas are liberators, not terrorists". The Islamic Ummah smells the blood of Israel…first.