The visit to Sde Teiman
The visit to Sde TeimanCourtesy

The Sde Teiman base is a massive IDF installation that serves the Givati Brigade. Givati soldiers have recently taken part in the intense combat in the Gaza Strip.

This evening, the soldiers received a visit from the Kfar Chabad mobile command center trailer, which distributed books of Psalms and religious articles among the troops. The Chabad Hassidim held an extravagant barbecue for the soldiers that included lively Jewish music, dancing, and inspiring speeches.

As part of the Kfar Chabad command center’s activities, a laundromat trailer was also brought to the base to allow soldiers entering and leaving Gaza to wash their clothes, uniforms, and sleeping bags.

The laundry trailer is equipped with dozens of charging ports to allow soldiers to charge their phones and speak with their families.

Over the last few weeks, Chabad activists have visited dozens of bases and staging points near the Gaza Strip and on Israel’s northern border.

Eliyahu Guttman, who leads the ‘Ezer Lahayal’ organization that supports these activities, commented: ‘This trailer will continue the time-honored tradition of going out to bring happiness to our bases and raise the morale of our troops in wartime, as the Lubavitcher Rebbe instructed.”