Meyer Habib
Meyer HabibReuters

39 members of the left-wing NUPES party in the French Parliament have requested that the parliamentary immunity of French-Israeli MP Meyer Habib be revoked due to his declaration that "It isn't over yet" regarding the war in Gaza.

The NUPES MPs claim that his statement supports war crimes and must be subject to disciplinary measures, so they have asked that the National Assembly revoke his parliamentary immunity and approve sanctions against him.

Yaël Braun-Pivet, a Jewish woman serving as the head of France's National Assembly, rejected their request today.

Meyer Habib commented on the request, declaring that he did not intend to apologize for the statement: "I say again, it isn't over. Israel will neutralize Hamas for the good of the Israeli people, and of course for the good of the Palestinian people as well. I protest against the cynical and manipulative attempt by 39 members of Parliament from the far left who are trying to make us forget that they are refusing to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization, their ties to antisemitism, and their deafening silence in the face of the October 7th massacre. Israel-hatred, Zionist-hatred, and Meyer Habib-hatred - these are the electoral fuels they run on, and they are using me for their politics!"

"What I said in the plenum, that 'it isn't over', means that the war in Gaza is not over, and the IDF, the most moral army in the world, will continue and not stop until the elimination of Hamas and the release of all the hostages, and the release of the Palestinian people from this murderous terrorist organization."

"It is important to remember that the same MPs who refused to participate in a rally against antisemitism refused to stand and applaud when the families of the hostages arrived at the plenum and everyone cheered for them. They believe that Hamas, which murdered, among others, 42 French citizens, and holds 3 more hostage, is a legitimate resistance movement and refuse to call it a terrorist organization. More than that, at the International Women's Day event, they removed from the event women who came with pictures of women raped by Hamas."