There is a raging debate in Israel and in the United States among friends and foes of Israel: What is Israel’s military objective in Gaza? What should be Israel’s response to the October 7 massacre? Prime minister Netanyahu and his spokespersons have frequently committed to the following three objectives for Israel’s fifth military campaign in Gaza over the past 75 years: The release of hostages (not the first time); the elimination of Hamas (reminds us of the elimination of the Fedayeen in 1956); and the assurance that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israeli citizens (sounds like phase one of the Oslo handover in 1995 and Sharon’s promise upon withdrawal from Gaza in 2005). Those are admirable and proper objectives, but they do not address the fundamental origin of the catastrophe and do not provide a basis for a long-lasting permanent solution. It does not enervate the root cause of Arab terrorism; it does not provide a road map to change the global perception of Israel; or encourage expansion of the Abraham Accords and create the opportunity for a genuine rapprochement between Israel and most of its neighbors. The root agenda of Arab terrorism is not to merely murder innocent civilians, but, if they do not succeed in wiping out the state of Israel, to terrify the people of Israel into the acceptance of a two-state solution. Cynical Arab leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, etc. as well as the Palestinian Authority funded by Israel-haters around the world, motivate often very simple-minded followers to commit atrocious terrorist acts to hasten the ultimate “liberation” of "Palestine". The outrageous claim that Jews are desecrating Al-Aqsa Mosque or, heaven forfend, are praying on the Temple Mount is used to enflame and stimulate masses of Arabs to become terrorists for the cause. Note that Hamas calls the horrendous October 7 massacre “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”. To date, terrorism has been a successful ongoing strategy. The terrorist agenda drove Israel out of Gaza and parts of northern Samaria in 2005. The promulgators of the barbaric October 7 attack believe that terrorism will eventually force Israel to seek a two-state solution - the creation of a Palestinian Arab state on what they call the 'West Bank' of the former Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan (Judea and Samaria) along with the Hamas governed Gaza. Whenever terrorism flares up, naive peace-loving citizens of Israel demand that Israel exchange its land in return for peace and the end of terrorism. They dream of a peaceful Palestinian Arab state in Israel’s backyard. Unfortunately, the gruesome terrorist events of Black Simchat Torah, October 7, makes it eminently clear that creation of a Palestinian State or relinquishing dominion over Judea and Samaria or again over Gaza will have tragic consequences. Placing Gaza under Hamas, and putting Area A under the control of the so-called moderate Palestinian Authority has proven to be grossly negligent. Huge arms caches in Jenin and Tul Karm and Hebron and Shechem are now uncovered daily by the IDF. Back in November 2003 and more recently in June 2023 (which seems like ages ago), I wrote that the ongoing military 'occupation' of Judea and Samaria only serves to motivate and stimulate terrorism against the citizens of Israel. In 1967, Israel military rule in Judea and Samaria might have been sensible but today there is every reason for Israel to declare sovereignty over all of Judea & Samaria. Back then annexation was problematic: Israel had to deal with the three Arab “No’s of Khartoum”. No peace with Israel, No recognition of Israel, and No negotiations with Israel. At that time, Israel’s population of barely 2.2 million Jews and the global political situation precluded Israel’s annexation. But today the facts on the ground have dramatically changed. The ongoing 56-year-old military occupation over Judea and Samaria cannot be justified in any political, diplomatic, military, academic or street forum. Nonetheless, there is still two-state delusional support as an alternative to the current military occupation. What is the two-state delusion? The two-state delusion was promoted by Israeli leaders and media who believed the creation of a peaceful Arab neighbor in Judea & Samaria & Gaza would end the 100-year-old conflict. -In 2005, Israel withdrew from Gaza as a first step towards the creation of Palestine state. -Shortly thereafter Hamas won legislative elections in the Palestinian Arab territories promising that further terrorism would eventually force the creation of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria and eventually drive the Jews into the sea. -Terrorists and Israel haters began to chant "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea”. Today, however, almost all Israelis who believed in a two-state solution, understand that creation of a terrorist state in Israel’s backyard will lead to a catastrophe of epic dimensions. Even before October 7, President Isaac Herzog, who originally supported the Gaza withdrawal, said, “It was the right thing to do, but without a doubt, from a security perspective, the disengagement was a mistake. We failed in our assessment that post-withdrawal Gaza would become the Hong Kong of the Middle East, Instead, it has become one big rocket base.” Little did he know or acknowledge the extent of military threat or the metro tunnel complex. The two-state delusion is now dead! Imagine that you are a Moslem Arab living in Israel or in Judea and Samaria. From kindergarten to adulthood, you heard the message that terrorism will hasten the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. You heard endless proclamations by senior Israeli leaders and politicians, media, the President and Secretaries of State and Defense of the USA, EU representatives and diplomats around the world demanding that Israel create a Palestinian Arab state in its backyard and withdraw from Judea & Samaria and parts of Jerusalem. How would you feel? How would you react? Remarkably, in spite of hearing a barrage of two-state pledges, many Arabs living in Israel, in contrast to those who rioted in mixed cities in 2021, seem to be loyal citizens and participate in Israel’s success. They enjoy and appreciate the benefits of living in a democratic Jewish State. None move out of Israel to live under the autocratic Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, Nablus. Hebron or Jenin. Conversely, most Arabs living under the “enlightened” corrupt Palestine Authority dream of receiving a blue Israel ID card with all the benefits of living in “Green Line” Israel. When Israel asserts its rights to Judea and Samaria it will be clear to terrorists, their leaders and supporters that the terrorist agenda is a dead end. No terrorist activity will be successful in altering the reality of the Jewish State. Local police will deal with vestiges of criminal activity just as they do in every society. For example, NY City has 45,0000 armed police to deal with criminals. When Israel declares sovereignty, what will be the status of the Arab residents living in Judea & Samaria? Israel’s Declaration of Independence declared that all residents would have civil and religious rights. Today, Israel’s 20% non-Jewish population of Moslems and Christians, are full citizens and are represented in all walks of Israeli life — as MKs, government ministers, judges, professors and senior business and community leaders. Israel respects its non-Jewish citizens, living with full equal rights in a democratic Jewish state. Various approaches have been suggested with respect to the status of the 1.7 million Arab residents of Judea and Samaria after declaration of sovereignty. One suggestion proposes that new residents who wish to be part of Israel will have the same status as 95% of Jerusalem Arabs whereby they will receive Blue Israel ID cards with all the attendant benefits. They will manage their municipal affairs, and democratically elect their local leadership, but not have the right to vote in national elections. Furthermore, similar to residents of Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. in the US Congress they will have the right to elect observers in the Knesset who will represent them with respect to internal affairs. Won’t the world brand Israel as an apartheid state with these new citizens? A world that has been blind to true racism and truly violent apartheid states cannot dictate to Israel how to best preserve itself and continue as a democratic Jewish state. Once Israel declares Sovereignty and ends the two-state delusion, 100+ years of Arab terrorism will have been defeated. Many of Israel’s neighbors will celebrate Israel’s victory and the expanded Abraham Accords will provide a new face to the Middle East. Dr. Michael Wise is a founder and investor in numerous technology companies. He is a graduate of YU and holds a PhD .in Theoretical Physics from Brandeis U., is the author of Israel demography study (BESA).and has published numerous articles about Israel sovereignty and demographics in Judea and Samaria.