The lobby against delegitimization, led by MK Ariel Kallner (Likud), sent a letter Saturday to US President Joe Biden, asking the basis for his statements regarding "settler violence." The MKs noted that incidents of violence by Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria are relatively few when compared to acts of violence by Palestinian Authority Arabs against them. They also noted that the scale of incidents perpetrated by residents of Judea and Samaria is relatively minor when compared to other societies. A total of 23 MKs signed the letter, representing several parties. "As members of the Knesset, we, like you, condemn violence against innocents," the letter begins. Related articles: Christian leaders to recognize Jewish rights to Judea and Samaria Rapid Response - From ATVs to Emergency Gear 90 terrorists arrested, 15 weapons seized A giant step toward sovereignty "We share the goal of a struggle against violence, but our efforts may not abandon facts or truth. In consideration of this, and to be more effective partners in the fight against violence, it is important for us to receive the sources upon which you based yourself." "Settler violence is a modern blood libel carried out by delegitimizing organizations like B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence, funded by millions from foreign powers. We all condemn violence, but this is a combination of outright lies, manipulations of statistics, and baseless claims, all with the goal of defaming the settler community and paving the way to a Palestinian state, as has recently been revealed in documents from the New Israel Fund. We must stop this blood libel. "The settlers of Judea and Samaria have, for years, been subject to attacks by the Arab society that support to a large degree the October 7th massacre. Additionally, these pioneers are even today at the front in Gaza and in the north. This has been expressed, to our sorrow, in the large number of casualties. At this time, we must stand beside the settlers and not allow delegitimizing agents, who also slander IDF soldiers, to besmirch them." "We would be happy to receive the President's answer and hope that the data upon which he based his statements will be thoroughly checked," Kallner commented.