A shaman calling herself “Putanny Yawanawa” opened the World Economic Forum in Davos. All the leaders on stage managed to keep a serious expression, almost in contemplation, while Yawanawa performed her spells and blew something. It did not quite seem like a normal way to start an economics meeting, at least not to everyone. But there is very little that is normal left in Davos and the participants at the Swiss ski resort had already been bewitched by a shaman called Al Gore, who announced the end of times. Just six weeks into his mandate, Argentine President Javier Milei also landed in Davos. And he warned that “the Western world is in danger”. He said the West is in danger “because those who should defend Western values are co-opted by a worldview that leads inexorably to socialism.” You don't have to be a Brazilian shaman to understand that the West is also in danger today due to the twin ideology of socialism: multiculturalism. But while in Davos history seems to have stopped, as in Thomas Mann's “Magic Mountain”, history always accelerates on the banks of the Rhine, the river that cuts and irrigates the heart of Europe. In Düren, 100,000 inhabitants in North Rhine Westphalia, mosques call for prayer three times a day. One day it will be five as in Islamic countries. Muslim students are now calling for the introduction of strict Islamic rules in schools. The police are investigating and the Interior Minister of North Rhine Westphalia has also intervened. “Women should cover themselves. Muslims should be able to leave school early for Friday prayers." We are at the Nordstadt comprehensive school in Neuss. Bild says that the school had already capitulated to their request but, instead of the request for an Islamic prayer room, they were offered a "tolerance room". Thus the case exploded nationwide. Similar cases are recorded in another city in the land, Düsseldorf. “It is a frightening event that took place in the middle of Germany,” writes the Bild. “About a year ago, several students at the Nordstadt Institute in Neuss behaved visibly differently. Students noticed several classmates gathered in the schoolyard for an Islamic prayer. Some non-Muslim students have converted to Islam”. North Rhine Westphalia is the most populous German state, where more than one million Muslims live. A textbook case of how Islamic immigration changes European society in the long term. In elementary schools in the German state, migrant students are already the majority in a third of them. 436,000 students, or 17.9 percent of the total in schools, are Muslims. Leen Kroetsch from Essen is a mother who regrets that her son cannot socialize with other children. The mother criticizes German politicians and denounces a "failed migration policy": "My son has to adapt to other children. It's not integration, dear politicians, integration is a little different." Kroetsch is furious: "I'm scared for the future of my son and I don't know what to expect. My son and I feel like strangers here. Was this what you wanted?", she complains, fearing that in the long term she will be considered a second-class citizen, where "the children would be Islamized". The director of the nursery school, Petra Struck, confesses that this is true, only 2 out of 25 children are German citizens, but the common language is still German. Not everywhere. Road signs in Arabic have arrived in Düsseldorf for the first time. One school, the Pestalozzi-Gymnasium in Herne, allowed Muslim female students to attend swimming lessons in burkinis. The Jews of Bochum have to hide their identity. Meanwhile, Die Welt reveals that a former bodyguard of Osama Bin Laden was able to design a mosque in Bochum. Duisburg neighborhoods are "no-go zones" for the police, according to a report leaked to the Spiegel weekly. In Wuppertal, 350,000 inhabitants, a new Turkish mega mosque is under construction topped by a minaret that towers over the churches. “It looks like Raqqa in Syria” - writes the Bild - “but it is Essen”. A few weeks ago, at the demonstrations for Hamas in Essen, another city in North Rhine Westphalia, there were the flags of ISIS and the Taliban. In Essen, Mohammed is the first name among the newborns. Duisburg, Essen, Duren, Düsseldorf, Bochum…The big cities of the largest German state are falling and capitulating, one after the other. In a generation they will have Islamic majorities and that, today, is an alarming chronicle that we must laboriously construct, article after article, translating like the pieces of a puzzle, but which will become banal routine. When 7,000 pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators gathered at Düsseldorf station to march along the Königsallee towards the Parliament, one of the speakers said: “Our children are already 30 percent of the students in Düsseldorf.” Where "our" stands for Muslims. European civilization is going to pieces. I don't know if Milei will be able to heal Argentina from the collectivism that ruined it, but I know that multiculturalism will lead Europe to ruin. ...