In cooperation between units in the IDF and the Ministry of Defense, various tools were developed to channel large volumes of water into Hamas’ terror tunnels in the Gaza Strip. This is part of a range of tools deployed by the IDF to neutralize the threat of Hamas’ subterranean network of tunnels. These capabilities consist of installing pumps and pipes, the materialization of engineering developments, and the ability to locate tunnel shafts suitable for the deployment of these tools. The capability was developed in a professional way, including analysis of the soil characteristics and the water systems in the area to ensure that damage is not done to the area's groundwater. The pumping of water was only carried out in tunnel routes and locations that were suitable, matching the method of operation to each case. The IDF stated that the project was developed following combat procedures, accelerated force-building efforts, and training forces with technological expertise. This tool is one of a range of capabilities developed by the IDF and Israel’s security establishment in recent years to operate against Hamas' underground infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. These efforts against Hamas include air strikes, underground combat operations, and special operations with technological assets. This tool represents a significant engineering and technological breakthrough in combating the threat of underground terror infrastructure and is the result of a collaborative effort between various bodies in Israel’s security establishment.