Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday met with the delegation of United Nations ambassadors visiting Israel led by Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan.

"The UN is not a stellar organization when it comes to dealing with Israel. It's often unbelievably tilted. It has UN so-called human rights commissions that devote an enormous part of its resolutions against Israel, and nothing against Iran or Yemen or arenas of savagery," the Prime Minister told the ambassadors.

Netanyahu told the ambassadors that they should care because "Israel is fighting the war of civilization against barbarism. Because Israel is responding to unbelievably brutal and unprovoked attacks. Because it's doing so with the greatest effort by any army to minimize civilian casualties. Against an enemy that is committing a double war crime by both targeting our civilians, mutilating our civilians, raping our women and men, beheading them, after the rape, burning babies alive, and sundry other atrocities that the only time that we've seen anything like that directed against the Jewish people was in the Holocaust."

He continued: "And in the face of this, South Africa had the temerity to bring us to the ICJ, charging us with genocide, really in the service of a genocidal organization. The worst thing I can say is this: many of the charges, false and unfounded that were leveled against us in the Hague, were brought by UNRWA officials. And we have discovered in the last few weeks, that UNRWA officials were complicit in the massacre. I think it's time that the international community and the UN itself understand that UNRWA's mission has to end."

The Prime Minister explained how to replace UNRWA: "We need to get other UN agencies and other aid agencies to replace UNRWA if we're going to solve the problem of Gaza as we will attempt to do. That is one of the things that I would tell to anyone coming here from the UN. There are other agencies in the UN, there are other agencies in the world, they have to replace UNRWA.

UNRWA is totally infiltrated with Hamas, it has been in the service of Hamas, in its schools, and in many other things. I say this with great regret because we hoped that there would be an objective and constructive body to offer aid. We need such a body today in Gaza, UNRWA is not that body," Netanyahu concluded.