El Al on Monday morning announced that it would end flights to Dublin, Ireland, and Marrakesh, Morocco. The decision follows a sharp drop in demand for flights to those destinations, as well as anti-Israel sentiment expressed by sources in the governments of the two countries. Last week, El Al announced that it would no longer fly to Johannesburg, South Africa. It is not clear whether the airline is planning to reinstate the flight routes, or when it would do so. Flights to Dublin and Marrakesh ended with the start of the war, but El Al has now announced that they will not be restarted at the start of the next tourist season. Related articles: ISA gives irregular instructions to Israeli airlines Delta resumes flights to Israel Air France and Transavia to resume flights to Israel Lufthansa to resume flights to Israel in February Shlomo Zafrany, El Al's V.P commercial & Industry Affairs, said, "Since the start of the war, El Al has taken pains to increase its network of flight routes to popular destinations, in order to preserve the air bridge. In light of the situation, we are closely following the changes in our customers' preferences and the amount of demand." Zafrany added that in its efforts to adapt to these demands, El Al "decided not to renew the routes to Ireland and Morocco during the coming summer season. Improvement of our flight calendar allows us to add, over the course of the summer season, about 500 flights on other in-demand routes in Europe, and connect Israel to a wide variety of destinations around the world, while examining new options."