“The European Commission has decided to suspend cooperation with Hungarian universities for the start of the 2024 school year,” writes the French philosopher and academic Xavier-Laurent Salvador in Le Figaro . “In 2014, a Turkish intellectual supported his country's exit from the European Erasmus University exchange programme. He explained that Europe seeks to 'manufacture a generation of globalized and rootless pagans'. A decade later, the Commission seems to apply the same logic - since the beginning of the 2024 school year, students of Hungarian universities have been banned from the Erasmus programme." The Islamic University of Gaza received 1,754,000 euros from the EU including Erasmus University funds until 2021, despite its known links to Hamas. “It would therefore seem that in the eyes of the Commission, Orban's presence is worse than that of Hamas,” writes Salvador. MEP Jean-Paul Garraud thus turned to the European Prosecutor's Office to request the opening of an investigation regarding the "payments of European funds from which" the Hamas university benefited. Financing is estimated at 1.7 million euros (according to Financial Transparency System data published on the European Commission website). According to the European Council on Foreign Relations think tank, Maher Jawad Salah, one of the members of the Hamas political bureau, was even “a member of the supervisory board of the University of Gaza.” Like Moussa Abou Marzouk, another Hamas leader who contributed to the foundation of the Islamic University of Gaza. How much of the money received by the Islamic University of Gaza from the EU was used to build the tunnels? 75 percent? 100 percent? Anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, author of numerous works on the Muslim Brotherhood, documented: “The Islamic University of Gaza, founded by the Muslim Brotherhood and linked to Hamas since its creation, has participated in projects with more than 130 universities and centers research in 21 EU countries.” Including Italy. The University of Siena was the first in the world to send students to the Islamic University of Gaza. An Italian delegation also visited the Hamas university and made a propaganda documentary, "Erasmus in Gaza". Poor Erasmus of Rotterdam… Other Hamas universities appear in the current list of beneficiaries of European funds, from Al Azhar University to Al Quds University. While the EU punishes Hungarian universities, the Islamic University of Gaziantep, Turkey, benefits from EU funds from the Erasmus programme. But for the EU, the bad guy is Orban… The “Erasmus+” program also gave half a million euros to Iran and Iraq. The famous Iranian universities, cradles of law and freedom, where unveiled female students are not allowed. If I spent a day looking at EU reports I would probably also discover funding for the prestigious universities of Kabul under the Taliban. In addition to Erasmus, Brussels has also deprived Hungary of the Horizon Project funds from 2024. That same project finances the "global Koran" with 1,980,000 euros. French researcher Marcel Kuntz explains in the monthly magazine Causeur that "in the European research funding programme, Horizon, 'openness to issues of inclusion is a priority'". We must immediately immerse our heads in a bucket of ice water to wake up from this unfunny masochistic mystery in which we boycott Hungarians to finance sharia. It's written 'inclusion', it's read 'submission'. ...