
IDF soldier Yair Levin from Givat Harel killed in battle in Gaza

Yair Levin, a soldier from Givat Harel who served in the Givati Brigade, killed during operational activity in Gaza.

Yair Levin
Yair LevinMoshe Friedlein

Yair Levin, a resident of the community of Givat Harel in the Binyamin region, was killed during the heroic battles in the Gaza Strip, it was cleared for publication on Monday night.

Levin, who served in the Givati Brigade, was a graduate of the Mechina in Jaffa, and previously studied at Yeshiva Ahavat Chaim in Kochav HaShachar.

The head of the Binyamin Regional Council and the chairman of the Yesha Council, Israel Ganz, eulogized him and said, "Yair, a handsome young man, one of our best, fell today in the battles in Rafah against our damned enemies in Gaza. He dreamed of enlisting in the Givati Brigade, he trained in order to be the best there is in defense of our people and our country and that's how he was."

"We send a big hug to the parents and siblings, as well as to grandparents Moshe and Tzipi Feiglin. We owe the victory that will come to Yair and his friends," added Ganz.

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