
Oct. 7th failures: The Hamas training exercise days before the massacre

An IDF lookout noticed terrorists practicing launching rockets while attacking IDF tanks near the border and reported it to her superiors, but it was played down as 'just any other exercise that was carried out in the Gaza Strip.'

Terrorists from Gaza on the remains of an IDF tank on October 7th
Terrorists from Gaza on the remains of an IDF tank on October 7thYousef Mohammed

Just four days before October 7th, a lookout at the Nahal Oz military installation identified a terrorist training exercise near the Gaza border, Kan News reported.

According to the report, the exercise included approximately 170 who practiced launching rockets while attacking IDF tanks.

The exercise was identified at 9:00 a.m., and the lookout reported it properly to her superiors. According to security sources, although the exercise was extensive and unusual, it was described as "just any other exercise that was carried out in the Gaza Strip in the past."

The scenarios that were practiced during the exercise were implemented almost exactly on October 7th, both the rocket launches and the attacks on the tanks.

The IDF Spokesperson commented on the report: "The IDF is investigating the events of October 7th and what preceded them. The purpose of the investigations is to learn lessons for the continuation of the fighting. The investigations are currently underway and when they are completed the findings will be transparently presented to the public."

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