It seems that the opinion polls have got it wrong. The major TV channels all project victory for the left-wing alliance and not the National Rally of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, as reported by the BBC . Politico reports that the left-wing alliance will secure 180-205 seats in the National Assembly. French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance is in second place with 150-170 seats. The far-right National Rally (RN) and its allies, which won by a clear margin in the first round, came in third with 130-50 seats. National Rally (RN) President Jordan Bardella addressed a crowd of supporters in Paris following his party’s disappointing election results, criticizing the “alliance of dishonor” between Emmanuel Macron and Gabriel Attal with extreme-left parties, claiming it had “robbed the French people of a reform policy they had widely called for.” Bardella accused the president of “throwing the country into the arms of the far left,” in response to the left-wing New Popular Front alliance’s victory. Final results are expected in the early of hours of the morning from each of France’s 577 constituencies.